The main ambition of the LEVITATE project is to enable policy makers and other stakeholders to estimate short, medium and long-term impacts of connected and automated transport systems and to establish the most effective policy pathways for the introduction of CATS to achieve predefined objectives.
The LEVITATE Policy Support Tool will be an open access, web-based system that will provide users with access to the LEVITATE methodologies and results. The PST will have four main areas of content:
- Access to all the impact assessment conducted by LEVITATE, including the underlying models, data, impact assessment methods and results
- Access to all the case studies produced within LEVITATE
- Access to an impact assessment and forecasting environment that will enable users to estimate the impact of CATS technologies on their own cities, utilising baseline conditions and other scenario information gathered by LEVITATE
- Access to a Decision Support System, including back casting methods that will enable users to find the most appropriate combination of CATS technologies and measures to provide specific policy objectives