LEVITATE is being conducted in the form of eight work packages:
Project management – responsible for liaison with the European Commission, contractual issues, overall direction of LEVITATE, coordination of project activities, budget management, quality assurance, data management plan.
Consultation and dissemination – responsible for gathering views and opinions from key stakeholders through workshops, online tools and other methods, dissemination of project results, end of project conference.
Impact assessment methodologies – responsible for developing an integrated set of methodologies for impact assessment
Scenario and indicator development – specification of scenarios on basis of stakeholder inputs, quantification of impact dimensions and indicators, development of micro-simulation models
Use case 1: automated urban transport – responsible for conducting impact assessments and case studies for automated urban transport scenarios
Use case 2: passenger cars – responsible for conducting impact assessments and case studies for passenger car scenarios
Use case 3: freight transport and logistics – responsible for conducting impact assessments and case studies for freight vehicle and logistics
Development of toolkit and implementation of results – responsible for establishing the LEVITATE Policy Support Tool and populating it with the methodologies, case studies and impact assessments.